snow depth/swe variable datasets

Snow Depth/SWE
Generally both SWE and snow depth are available from reanalysis output, but sometimes only one is provided along with snow density by which the other can be computed.
Report table: 3.12
Count: 22
Name Source Data type Spatial domain Spatial resolution Temporal coverage Time step Data format Details
Météo-France Model based on reanalyses Global 0.25ᵒ x 0.25ᵒ Jan 1981--  present  (ongoing, annual updates) Daily NetCDF details
ECMWF Land surface reanalysis/model Global 0.1° x 0.1° (9 km) Jan 1950--  present  (ongoing, ~3 month latency) Hourly; Monthly GRIB; NetCDF details
NCEP Regional reanalysis North America 32 km x 32 km 1979/01/01 to May 31, 2021 3h; Daily; Monthly GRIB; NetCDF details
CCMEP/ECCC Regional reanalysis North America 10 km x 10 km 2000 - 2017,(1980 - 1999 pending) Hourly RPN details
NASA Land surface reanalysis/model Central North America (25-53 North). 0.125 deg. 1979 - present Hourly; Monthly GRIB details
ECMWF Global atmospheric reanalysis Global 0.25ᵒ x 0.25ᵒ 1950 - present Hourly; Monthly GRIB; NetCDF details
Byrd Polar Research Center/The Ohio State University; UCAR/NCAR Regional reanalysis Arctic 15 km x 15 km 2000/01 to 2016/12 3h; Monthly NetCDF details
NASA Global atmospheric reanalysis Global 0.625ᵒ x 0.5ᵒ 1980-present Hourly; Daily; Monthly NetCDF details
JMA Global atmospheric reanalysis Global 0.6258ᵒ x 0.6258ᵒ 1958 - present 3h; 6h; Monthly GRIB details
CIRES; NOAA; DOE Global atmospheric reanalysis Global T254 (approximately 75 km at the equator) 20CRv3.SI is available for years 1836-1980 and 20CRv3.MO is available for years 1981-2015 3h; Daily; Monthly NetCDF details
NCEP Global atmospheric reanalysis Global 0.5° x 0.5° 1979-2010 (CFSR)2011-present (CFSv2) Hourly; 6h; Monthly GRIB details
GLDAS-2.0 (Noah LSM)
NASA Land surface reanalysis/model Global 0.25ᵒ x 0.25ᵒ 1948-2014 3h; Monthly GeoTIFF; KMZ; NetCDF details
Liston and Hiemstra  (2011) dataset
UCAR/NCAR Model based on reanalyses Northern Hemisphere land area, north of ~55 N 10 km x 10 km 1979-2009 3h CTL; Gdat details
USDA snow courses
NRCS/US Dept. of Agriculture Station data Western US, Canada, and Alaska Point data; 1,111 courses concentrated in mountains of western USA, Canada and Alaska 1935-- Monthly n.a. details
Yukon Snow Survey Network
Department of Environment/Yukon Government Station data Yukon-wide; 57 active sites, 28 discontinued Point data Variable(~1975-05-01 - present) One or several times per year CSV details
Northwest Territories dataset
Department of Environment and Natural Resources/GNWT Station data Northwest Territories Wide; approx 67 sites. Point data Information not available One or several times per year n.a. details
Scotty Creek Research Site, Northwest Territories
Bill Quinton/Wilfred Laurier University Station data Scotty Creek, Deh Tah region of Northwest Territories Point Data Since 1995 n.a. n.a. details
Trail Valley Creek Research Site, Northwest Territories.
Dr. Phil Marsh/Wilfred Laurier University Station data Trail Valley Creek, Northwest Territories Point data Since 1991: not every year included Annual n.a. details
Havikpak Creek Research Site, Northwest Territories
Dr. Phil Marsh/Wilfred Laurier University Station data Havikpak Creek, Northwest Territories Point data Since 1991: not every year included Annual n.a. details
Yukon Water Resources Meteorological Network
Yukon Government Station data Of a total of 4 active AWSs, 2 have 30+ yr records - 
Tagish (09AA-M1), Withers Lake (09DB-M1). Point data Installed 1989, 1991 n.a. n.a. details
Wolf Creek Research Basin, Yukon
Dr. Sean Carey/McMaster University Station data Wolf Creek, Yukon Point data Various: observatory has been operating since 1992

Note, though, that some individual instrumentation arrays have been more permanent, than others- the latter more sporadic, to support specific projects. Monthly n.a. details
Baker Creek Research Site, Northwest Territories
Chris Spence/ECCC; University of Saskatchewan; Carleton University Station data Baker Creek, Northwest Territories Point data from 2004 Annual n.a. details