landform inventories variable datasets
Summary of historical datasets for permafrost landforms. This is not an exhaustive list, many inventories are not made available when published in a journal
Report table: 3.21
Count: 9
Name | Source | Data type | Spatial domain | Spatial resolution | Temporal coverage | Time step | Data format | Details |
Geomorphologic feature mapping methodology for the Dempster Highway and Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway corridors
NRCan | Map, manual delineation | Dempster Highway and Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk highway corridors | 0.6 m | 2004–2016 | n.a. | details | |
N.W.T. Thermokarst Collective
Northwest Territories Geological Survey/GNWT | Map, manual delineation | Northwest Territories | 7.5 km | 2018 | n.a. | Shapefiles | details |
Broad-scale mapping of terrain impacted by retrogressive thaw slumping in Northwestern Canada
Northwest Territories Geological Survey/GNWT | Map, manual delineation | Northwest Territories | 2005-201015 km | 2005-2010 | n.a. | Shapefiles | details |
Inventory of active retrogressive thaw slumps on eastern Banks Island, N.W.T.
Northwest Territories Geological Survey/GNWT | Map, manual delineation | Eastern Banks Island, NWT | 10 m | 2016-2017 | n.a. | Shapefiles | details |
Inventory of active retrogressive thaw slumps in the Peel Plateau, N.W.T.
Northwest Territories Geological Survey/GNWT | Map, manual delineation | Peel Plateau, NWT | 10 m | 2016-2017 | n.a. | Shapefiles | details |
Inventory of retrogressive thaw slumps in the Willow River watershed, mapped using 1986, 2002, and 2018 Landsat imagery
Northwest Territories Geological Survey/GNWT | Map, manual delineation | Willow River Watershed, NWT | 30 m | 1986, 2002, 2018 | n.a. | Shapefiles | details |
Inventory of retrogressive thaw slumps on the Peel Plateau and on southeastern Banks Island, N.W.T. using 2017 Sentinel imagery
Northwest Territories Geological Survey/GNWT | Map, manual delineation | Peel Plateau and southeastern Banks Island, NWT | 10 m | 2017 | n.a. | Shapefiles | details |
An inventory of rock glaciers in the central B.C. Coast Mountains, Canada, from high resolution Google Earth imagery
University of Victoria | Map, manual delineation | Central British Columbia | 15 cm – 15 m | 2004/2005 | n.a. | CSV | details |
Extremes of summer climate trigger thousands of thermokarst landslides in a High Arctic environment
University of Ottawa | n.a. | Banks Island, NWT | 30 m or 60 m | 1984–2016 | n.a. | CSV | details |