snow depth variable datasets

Snow depth
Report table: 3.10
Count: 8
Name Source Data type Spatial domain Spatial resolution Temporal coverage Time step Data format Details
MSC Snow Depth Observations
MSC/ECCC Station data Canada Point data Variable (1970-2019) Daily CSV; GeoJSON details
Canadian Historical Daily Snow Depth Data
CRD/ECCC Station data Canada Point data; peak of ~2000 stations in 1980s; most data located south of ~55 N; rapid decline in station numbers after 1995 variable1883-2017; Pan-Canadian coverage after ~1955 Daily ASCII; NetCDF details
NCEI/NOAA Station data Global Point data; ~20,000 stations; NH coverage most dense over mid-latitudes Variable, 1902 - present Sub-daily; Daily ASCII details
CFS/NRCan Gridded observations Canada 10 km x 10 km 1955-2017 Monthly ASCII; NetCDF details
Bennett Townsite, Yukon
Parks Canada Station data 1 site Point data Since 2015 Hourly n.a. details
Yukon Avalanche Association Weather Network
Yukon Avalanche Association Station data 2 sites Point data Since 2011, 2018 n.a. n.a. details
White Pass Railway & River  Divisions dataset, Yukon
Yukon Research Centre Station data 25 stations, from coast to interior Yukon - Skagway to Dawson and Wernecke Point data Earliest start Apr. 1902, latest finish Dec. 1957: median 25 yrs, max. 55.7 yrs Daily Excel files details
Kluane Lake Research Station
Arctic Institute of North America/University of Calgary Station data Single weather station Point data June 2017 to present 30 min. CSV; Excel files; NetCDF details