Name | Description | No. models | Spatial extend | Spatial resolution | Temporal extend | Scenarios | Category of variables | Download information ( e.g., variables, temporal resolution, format) | Details |
CMIP6 raw data |
Ensemble of coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. This is the most recent phase of the CMIP project (not completed in August 2021). |
Up to 68 distinct climate models across 49 different modelling groups. (the number of models varies with the scenarios and the variable) Summary table of currently available data. |
Global |
Varies from model to model (AGCM: 0.125° x 0.125° to 5° x 5°; OGCM: 0.25° to 2.5°) |
Historical period: 1850–2014 Future period: 2015–2100 Some models provide simulations up to 2300 |
Tier 1: Tier 2: (details here ) |
Meteorological (all variables analyzed in this report) Snow related (all variables analyzed in this report) Hydrological (runoff) Sea ice related (all variables analyzed in this report; see Notz et al. (2020), for details) |
The complete archive of CMIP6 output is accessible from any one of the following portals:
CMIP6 data can be downloaded using Thiago Loureiro’s CMIP6 downloader |
Dedicated website on CMIP6 hosted by PCMDI. Diagnostic and performance metrics with the ESMValTool for CMIP6 simulations. |
CMIP5 raw data |
Ensemble of coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. This is the most recently completed phase of the CMIP project. |
More than 60 models (the number of models varies with the scenarios and the variable) |
Global |
Varies from model to model (AGCM: 0.188° x 0.187° to 4.1° x 5.0°; OGCM: 0.25° to 2.5° ) |
Historical period: 1850-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 Some models provide simulations up to 2300 |
RCP 2.6 |
Meteorological (all variables analyzed in this report) Snow related (all variables analyzed in this report) Hydrological (runoff) Sea ice related (sea ice volume per grid cell area, or equivalent sea ice thickness (sit); sea ice drift: siu (zonal component), siv (meridional component) and speed (sispeed); see Notz et al. (2016). |
All of the CMIP5 model output can be accessed through any one of the following Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) gateways:
The DDC Reference snapshot ( is available at the World Data Center for Climate (WDCC, ): 60 models, many variables, annual, monthly, daily, 6-hourly, 3-hourly and sub-hourly (depending on variable), netCDF format. A subset of variables are available in netCDF format on Copernicus at daily and monthly timescale: - daily: 10m wind, maximum, minimum and mean daily temperature, near-surface specific humidity and relative humidity, mean precipitation flux, snowfall and surface solar radiation - monthly: 10m wind, 10m v and u components of wind, mean, minimum and maximum temperature, near-surface specific and relative humidity, sea ice fraction, sea ice thickness, snow depth over sea ice, surface snow amount, mean precipitation flux, runoff, sea ice plus snow amount, snowfall, and others. A subset of variables at monthly timescale is also available at KNMI Climate Explorer. |
Dedicated website on CMIP5 hosted by PCMDI. Diagnostic and performance metrics with the ESMValTool for CMIP5 simulations. |
CMIP5 1° x 1° gridded data |
A sub ensemble of 29 CMIP5 simulations have been regridded onto a common 1° x 1° global grid. Provides projected changes and absolute values. |
29 simulations with 29 models (list of models) |
Global |
1° x 1° |
Historical period: 1900-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 2.6 |
Meteorological (surface air temperature, total precipitation, and near-surface wind speed) Snow related (snow depth) Sea ice related (sea ice thickness, sea ice concentration |
ECCC provide access to a subset of variables in netCDF and GeoTIFF formats at monthly, seasonal and annual timescale: surface air temperature, total precipitation, sea ice thickness, sea ice concentration, snow depth, and near-surface wind speed. Projected changes are expressed as anomalies with respect to the reference period of 1986-2005. A range of percentiles (the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles) across the multi-model ensemble are available for download on, and (also individual models). Download of a single point value as a CSV or GeoJSON format is also available on |
North America CORDEX– raw data |
Ensemble of RCMs driven by GCM simulations from CMIP5. |
The number of simulations depends on variables and scenarios. |
0.44° x 0.44°; 0.22° x 0.22° |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 2.6 |
Meteorological (surface air temperature, total precipitation, near-surface wind speed, near-surface humidity, surface radiation) Snow related (snow depth, snowfall) Hydrological (runoff) |
Data for meteorological variables in netCDF format is available on the NA-CORDEX search page . Most variables are available at daily, monthly, seasonal and annual timescales. Some temperature and precipitation simulations are available at sub hourly time step. Data is also available in cloud-friendly Zarr format on AWS. CORDEX data (including some snow and hydrological variables) is also available on ESGF (all nodes provide links to the same files): A table showing the CORDEX data available on the ESGF is available here. North America CORDEX simulations are noted as NAM-22 (for 0.22° x 0.22° spatial resolution) and NAM-44 (for 0.44° x 0.44° spatial resolution). |
Arctic CORDEX – raw data |
Ensemble of RCMs driven by GCM simulations from CMIP5. |
The number of simulations depends on variables and scenarios. |
0.44° x 0.44°, 0.22° x 0.22° |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 2.6 |
Meteorological (surface air temperature, total precipitation, near-surface wind speed, near-surface humidity, surface radiation) Snow related (snow depth, snowfall) Hydrological (runoff) |
CORDEX data (including some snow and hydrological variables) in netCDF format is also available on ESGF (all nodes provide links to the same files): A table showing the CORDEX data available on the ESGF is available here. Arctic CORDEX simulations are noted as ARC-22 (for 0.22° x 0.22° spatial resolution) and ARC-44 (for 0.44° x 0.44° spatial resolution). | |
North America CORDEX Bias-adjusted data against Daymet |
CORDEX simulations over Norther America bias adjusted using Cannon's MBCn algorithm against Daymet gridded observations. |
The number of simulations depends on variables and scenarios. |
0.44° x 0.44°, 0.22° x 0.22 |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 2.6 |
Meteorological (daily minimum and maximum temperature, precipitation, specific humidity, and incoming solar radiation; two derived variables are also provided: relative humidity and daily mean temperature.) |
Data in netCDF format can be accessed from the NA-CORDEX search page by selecting mbcn-Daymet in Bias Correction section. CAUTION: There was previously an error affecting all of the bias-corrected data (all mbcn-gridMET and mbcn-Daymet files) in the NA-CORDEX archive. A description of the error can be found below. As of 2021-11-19, this error has been fixed. The bias-correction was re run for all data published through the NCAR Climate Data Gateway and verified that the error was no longer present. If you downloaded bias-corrected data before 2021-11-19, you should replace it with the new version. Bias-adjusted CORDEX data in netCDF format are also available on ESGF nodes under the “CORDEX-Adjust” project (from all CORDEX search options chose “Domain”, “RCM Model”, “Driving Model”, “Downscaling Realisation” and “Bias-adjustment”) at the following ESGF Tier 1 nodes:
Details about bias-adjustment methods applied to the CORDEX simulations are provided here. |
BCCAQv2 ensemble over Canada |
CMIP5 simulations statistically downscaled with the BCCAQv2 method over Canada against ANUSPLIN gridded observations. |
24 simulations with 24 models (list of the models) |
Canada |
10 km x 10 km |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 2.6 |
Meteorological (daily minimum, maximum and mean temperature and total precipitation) |
PCIC has available for download all daily data (for each of the 24 climate models) in netCDF and ASCII formats. permits the download of daily data (for each of the 24 climate models) for specific locations in netCDF or CSV format. The site also offers climate indices (annul, seasonal and monthly) based on the daily BCCAQv2 data, as well as the possibility to compute online indices with specific thresholds (the ensemble for indices is represented by the 5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles). Data for a single point can be downloaded as a CSV or JSON. ECCC’s climate scenarios page also provides access to various climate indices in netCDF format. The CCCS website permits to download the ensemble percentiles (5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th) for the annual, seasonal and monthly absolute values of daily minimum, maximum and mean temperature and total precipitation as well as of anomalies computed with respect to the reference period of 1986-2005. This data is available in netCDF or GeoTIFF format for a region or CSV and JSON format for a point |
CanLEAD-CanESM2 from Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (ECCC) |
Canadian Earth System Model Large Ensembles (CanESM2 LE) is statistically downscaled over North America using a multivariate bias adjusted (MBCn method) against two target datasets: S14FD (Iizumi et al., 2017) and EWEMBI, (Lange, 2018). |
Two ensembles, each of them with 50 simulations with one GCM (CanESM2); The difference between the ensembles is the target dataset used in bias correction. |
North America |
0.5° x 0.5° |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 8.5 (provide links to scaling to other scenarios) |
Meteorological (Mean Relative Humidity, Precipitation, Wind Speed, Max temp, Min temp, sea level presure, Downwelling Shortwave, Donwwelling longwave) |
Daily data in netCDF format for each simulation is available for download from CCCma at ECCC:
(ALL stands for all radiative forcings). |
CanLEAD- CanRCM4 from Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (ECCC) |
Canadian Earth System Model Large Ensembles (CanESM2 LE) is dynamically downscaled over North America using the Canadian Regional Climate (CanRCM4 LE), which is next statistically downscaled using a multivariate bias adjusted (MBCn method) against two target datasets: S14FD (Iizumi et al., 2017) and EWEMBI, (Lange, 2018). |
Two ensembles, each of them with 50 simulations with one RCP driven by a different member of CanESM2 LE; The difference between the ensembles is the target dataset used in bias correction. |
North America |
0.5° x 0.5° |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 8.5 (provide links to scaling to other scenarios) |
Meteorological (Mean Relative Humidity, Precipitation, Wind Speed, Max temp, Min temp, sea level presure, Downwelling Shortwave, Donwwelling longwave) |
Daily data in netCDF format for each simulation is available for download from CCCma at ECCC:
Ouranos ensemble of statistically downscaled CMIP5 data (cb-oura_1.0) |
CMIP5 simulations statistically downscaled for North America against ANUSPLIN and Livneh (2015) gridded observations, using a quantile-mapping method. |
A total of 22 simulations comprising RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 from 11 models (list of the models) |
Northern USA and Canada East of 121˚E and up to the northern bounds of Hudson Bay(Lat: 40˚-66.5˚N; Lon: 121˚ -55˚E) |
10 km x 10 km |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 4.5 |
Meteorological (daily minimum and maximum temperature and total precipitation) |
Daily data in netCDF format for each simulation (grouped as ncml) is available for download on PAVICS. Will be replaced by ESPO-G for North America based on CMIP6 (Ensemble Scenarios Polyvalent Ouranos - Global) |
Data access: |
ESPO-R 1.0 Ensemble Scenarios Polyvalent Ouranos (Regional) Ouranos’ ensemble of dynamically downscaled CORDEX-NA data |
CORDEX-NA simulations statistically downscaled for North America against ERA-5 Land gridded reanalysis |
25 simulations from the CORDEX-North-America ensemble comprising simulations driven by RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 |
North America Limited in the North by the CORDEX domain at about 76˚N |
0.1˚ x 0.1˚ |
Historical period: 1950-2005 Future period: 2006-2100 |
RCP 4.5 |
Meteorological (daily minimum and maximum temperature total precipitation, planned: windspeed & direction, humidity) |
Daily data in netCDF format for each simulation (grouped as ncml) is available for download on PAVICS |
Data and documentation will be made available on PAVICS in spring 2022 |
Table of climate model simulations
Table 4.1