From variable 3.5
Summary of observation-based historical datasets with total precipitation available.

data type
Gridded hybrid data: observations, satellite
spatial domain
spatial resolution
0.1° x 0.1°
temporal coverage
2000 to present
time step
30 min.; Daily; Monthly
data format
Binary; HDF
It is a hybrid product that uses TRMM estimates (2000-2014) + Global Precipitation Measurement estimates (GPM 2014 - present). This merged product gives an estimate of precipitation rate using the GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) constellation of passive microwave satellites. Latest version (V6) fuses early estimates collected during the operation of the TRMM satellite (2000-2015) with more recent satellite estimates of precipitation during the operation of GPM (2014 - present). Note: the zone outside 60 N-S is only populated with gauge data and satellite estimates in areas without snowy/icy surfaces, so data coverage is incomplete. Some validation has been done against Candian station data. Probability of liquid precipitation is also available.