From variable 3.5
Summary of observation-based historical datasets with total precipitation available.

data type
Global atmospheric reanalysis
spatial domain
spatial resolution
½° latitude x ⅝° longitude
temporal coverage
1980 to present
time step
Hourly; Daily; Monthly
data format
2nd generation reanalysis. MERRA-2 provides observations-corrected precipitation fields based on a merged satellite–gauge precipitation product (CPCU; Chen et al. 2008) with a full correction for latitudes below 42.5°, a linear tapering between CPCU and the MERRA-2 model precipitation between 42.5° and 62.5°, and no correction for latitudes at 62.5° and higher. Beside the bias corrected total precipitation, it also provides values for maximum precipitation rate during one day, anvil precipitation, convective precipitation, nonanvil large scale precipitation, total precipitation from atm model physics, bias corrected snowfall, bias corrected liquid water convective precipitation, bias corrected liquid water large scale precipitation, and others.