This dataset includes hydrometric observations from a network of about 2700 active and 5000 discontinued streamflow gauging stations across Canada, collected by the Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Water Survey of Canada (WSC) branch in partnership with provinces, territories under National Hydrometric Program. The dataset primarily consists of flow time series derived from the stage-discharge relationship. For some stations, flow and/or water level records are available. The historical Hydrometric Data (HYDAT) is available as an Access database and could be accessed through a Windows desktop tool: EC DataExplorer (Environment Canada, 2021). Alternatively, the dataset could be downloaded from an online archive (https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/index_e.html; accessed: August 13, 2021) as .csv files. Metadata describes a number of attributes, including station name and number, status (active or discontinued), location (latitude and longitude), drainage area, years of record, presence of regulation, variables (flow, level and sediments), operation schedule (continues/seasonal). A subset of active stations are designated as Reference Hydrometric Basin Network (RHBN) based on the criteria of long records (+20 years) and minimal human impacts (Pellerin and Nzokou 2020). A number of symbols are used to describe the data records, which include E: Estimate; A: Partial day; B: Ice conditions; D: Dry and R: Revised (https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/contactus/faq_e.html; accessed: August 13, 2021).
Provider’s contact Information :
Water Survey of Canada Product Page: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/water-overview/quantity/monitoring/survey.html
Disclaimer for Hydrometric Information: https://wateroffice.ec.gc.ca/disclaimer_info_e.html
Variable name and units:
River discharge [m3 s-1], water level [m]
Spatial coverage and resolution:
- Canada-wide domain consisting of point-scale hydrometric station network.
- Database consists of 2700 active and 5000 discontinued streamflow gauging stations across Canada.
- Drainage area polygons that flow into hydrometric station outlets are available for most locations (https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/0c121878-ac23-46f5-95df-eb9960753375 accessed: August 13, 2021)
Temporal coverage and resolution:
Temporal coverage varies depending on site. There are nine Canadian sites prior to 1900 and about 2500 sites before 1950. Many of the stations have been discontinued (about 5000). Data are available at a daily time step.
Information about related datasets:
Other datasets are sourced on the WSC observations. WSE observations are also sourced on some of the other datasets.
Limitations and strengths for application in Northern Canada
WSC observations are quality-controlled and consistent datasets covering entire Canada. Data are readily available for download in .csv format. A major limitation is sparse station network in Northern Canada. Many stations in Northern Canada are available for a short time span or have been discontinued. Additionally, many stations have considerable number of missing records, and some of the observations are only available in the open water season.
References to documents describing the methodology and/or the dataset:
Environment Canada (2021), EC DataEXplorer, https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/water-overview/quantity/monitoring/survey/data-products-services/national-archive-hydat.html (Accessed August 2021).
Pellerin and Nzokou (2020) Reference Hydrometric Basin Network Update. Environment and Climate Change Canada, Gatineau, QC. https://collaboration.cmc.ec.gc.ca/cmc/hydrometrics/www/RHBN/ (Accessed August 2021).
Link to download the data and format of data: