Four stations listed as operated by YAA, with data for three others from Yukon Government departments: established primarily to provide near-real-time information relating to avalanche risk. Unfortunately only three stations record any snow-related metrics.
- YAA Mt Anderson, Wheaton Valley (YAAAND)
- YAA Fraser (YAAFRA)
- YAA Haines Pass (YAAHP)
- YAA Summit Creek (YAASUM)
- YG Hwy Fraser Highway Camp (HWYFRA)
- YG Hwy Mount Racine (HWYRAC)
- YG Wildland Fire Mgmt Mount Sima (SIMA)
Provider contact information
Yukon Avalanche Association http://www.yukonavalanche.ca
Yukon Government Highways michael.smith@gov.yk.ca / 867-456-3975
Same contact for Wildland Fire Management – Community Services Weather Network
Archiving strategy not clear from available information: no response as yet to enquiries. Data provided by YG available on request, but with no guarantees as to response-time
Variable name and units
YAAAND: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Gust, Wind Direction
YAAFRA: Air Temperature, Snow Temperature, Relative Humidity, Snow Depth, Sea Level YAAHP: Snow Depth, Snow-Water Equivalent, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Gust, Wind Direction, Rain, Reflected (ie outgoing / upwelling) Shortwave Radiation
YAASUM: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Gust, Wind Direction
HWYFRA: Air Temperature, Clouds, Liquid Precipitation 24hr, Max Temperature 24hr, Min Temperature 24hr, Sky Condition, Snow Depth, Visibility, Wind Direction, Wind Speed
HWYRAC: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction
SIMA: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Gust, Wind Direction
Spatial coverage and resolution
YAAAND: 60.2096°N 135.1525°W
YAAFRA: 59.7155°N 135.0503°W
YAAHP: 59.6218°N 136.4429°W 952 m
YAASUM: 59.7020°N 135.0900°W
HWYFRA: 59.7151°N 135.0470°W 855 m
HWYRAC: 59.9875°N 134.6962°W 1709 m
SIMA: 60.60445°N 135.06195°W 1165 m
Temporal coverage and resolution
YAAAND: 2012- inactive (?)
YAAHP: 2018-present active
YAAFRA: 2011-present active
YAASUM: 2016-present active
HWYFRA: 1970-present inactive (?) hourly
HWYRAC: 1970-present active hourly
SIMA: 2014-2017, 2018-present inactive (?) hourly
Note – SIMA flagged on YG site as inactive, but YAA site shows plots to current time (15 Sep 2021)
Information about related datasets
HWYFRA, HWYRAC contribute to YG Highways Weather Network and Wildland Fire Management – Community Services Weather Network, SIMA to latter only
Limitations and strengths for application
Not clear that data are available: no quality-control details provided
None available
Link to download data (and format)
Not clear if YAA data are archived or publicly available: seven-day plots on YAA web site, but not all are functioning (those for HWYRAC, YAAHP and SIMA appear to operational as of Sep 2021: YAAAND and YAASUM seem to have major errors: no data shown for others).
Data from YG-operated stations is publicly available on request, but with no guarantees as to response-times.