annex 7.5.1
7.5.1 Bennett Townsite Automatic Weather Station, BC (Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site)


Single station operated near the Bennett Townsite, in area of cleared pine forest between Lindeman Lake and Bennett Lake, primarily to generate fire weather indices

Provider contact information
Operated by Parks Canada: overview information posted by Yukon Government at

Not clear from posted information

Variable name and units
Snow Depth, Rainfall 1h, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Direction, Wind Gust, Wind Speed

Spatial coverage and resolution
Point coverage local to 59.834°N 135.0°W, elevation 701.7 m

Temporal coverage and resolution
Established August 2015
Hourly values (averages / samples / totals, depending on metric) recorded

Information about related datasets
Part of Parks Canada Weather Network, but may also provide input to Yukon Wildland Fire Management / Community Services Weather Network

Limitations and strengths for application
Single isolated station, short period of record (to date). Not clear that data are available: no quality-control details provided.

None available

Link to download data (and format)
“Data web address” listed as – but no means of accessing data available at this URL. On request from Parks Canada / Yukon Government?